about myself

I am a computer engineering student at the University of Waterloo, with an avid interest in backend and ML development. I have a strong passion to develop applications which have an impact, delivering value for users and to society!

I am experienced with Python, Go, Java, JavaScript, SQL, HTML/CSS, C++ with an understanding of systems and database design. Some frameworks I have worked with include Gin, GOrilla, Pion WebRTC, NodeJS Express, Angular, PyTorch, AioHttp, Flask. Currently, I am experimenting with functional programming using Elixir and learning about distributed systems at scale!

I am constantly seeking new opportunities to keep learning. Let's connect!

R e s u m e

Work Experience

I have had the opportunity to work in a variety of workplaces: learning a variety of new skills and technologies in the process. Over the course of this journey, I have worked directly in full-stack, backend development, and ML development/deployment roles at both large enterprises and start-ups.

Software Engineering Intern

Uber Inc., San Francisco

  • Engineered a realtime python framework to orchestrate, infer, and action food safety ticket abuse models in real time, improving the detection latency to 120ms from ticket creation and thus, saving money over existing batch pipelines.
  • Designed robust python ETL pipelines with Apache Airflow, Hive, Spark, and Cassandra to pre-compute features, examining over 1M rows per iteration and enabling realtime execution.
  • Developed Go distributed workflows with Cadence and MySQL to concurrently crawl a database of incident data to perform asynchronous operations, reducing the critical latency by 30%
  • Introduced unit testing with Go Testify, monitoring dashboards with Presto SQL and grafana, and alerting, for global micro-services to ensure greater maintainability and resiliency to failures.
  • Investigated the realtime Apache Pinot distributed datastore to facilitate low latency aggregation across incident data on kafka, to enable sub-millisecond aggregations.

Featured Projects

  • All Projects
  • Full-Stack Projects
  • Mobile Apps
  • Machine Learning

A Streaming End-to-End Framework For Spoken Language Understanding

Alz - an App for people with Alzheimer's

Python3, Flutter, aiohttp, Microsoft Azure Face API, docker, Heroku

‘Recap This Vid For Me’

Python3, Google Cloud Video AI, Numpy, NLTK, Networkx, aiohttp, Google Cloud Functions, Pub/Sub, SendGrid

SummarizeMyEmail - a novel chrome extension

JavaScript: TensorFlowJS, Python3: TensorFlow, HTML/CSS

Treat Map - Safe Trick or Treating

JavaScript: NodeJS Express, Python, HTML/CSS

Umigrate - University Social Media Platform

Python3: Django, PythonRQ, PotgreSQL, SQLite, Redis

Sequential End-to-End Intent and Slot Label Classification and Localization

‘Suspect Analysis’

Python3, MongoDB, React, Tweepy, Google Cloud NLP API, Compute Engine, App Engine

Knight's Tour Algorithm



Contact Me

Get in Touch with me!

[email protected]

Waterloo, Ontario